Hello BUSN 158 Class!
Here's what I have to say about blogging:
If I had the time to blog, I would so blog every day. There was a point in my life where I wanted to be like those makeup guru's on YouTube and just review beauty products via blogging and become Internet famous. Needless to say, that didn't work out!
In my "experience", I used Xanga and LiveJournal back in the days. I wrote about my adolescent days where a handful of friends could read or comment on it, and vice versa. I had a cheap-o digital camera to incorporate photos of my friends and I, or snippets of my day. When Tumblr came out, it was all about how many likes you could get and how many people reblogged a picture you posted (even though it wasn't your photo). I even started an advice column where people would submit questions to me asking for advice (that was fun!).
Here are some of the tips and resources I found online that were helpful on how to create an effective blog post:
I think this is well-written because it has a title that catches your attention. It also includes photos and a video to assist the article, which makes me want to continue reading. It definitely makes me feel different emotions while reading because what happened to this woman is just horrible and it sickens me that people would do this to someone! Now, Perez Hilton, in general, wouldn't be the most trustworthy source of information, but it's true that people eat up celebrity tabloids and gossip, which makes it a successful blog.
Here's what I have to say about blogging:
If I had the time to blog, I would so blog every day. There was a point in my life where I wanted to be like those makeup guru's on YouTube and just review beauty products via blogging and become Internet famous. Needless to say, that didn't work out!
In my "experience", I used Xanga and LiveJournal back in the days. I wrote about my adolescent days where a handful of friends could read or comment on it, and vice versa. I had a cheap-o digital camera to incorporate photos of my friends and I, or snippets of my day. When Tumblr came out, it was all about how many likes you could get and how many people reblogged a picture you posted (even though it wasn't your photo). I even started an advice column where people would submit questions to me asking for advice (that was fun!).
Here are some of the tips and resources I found online that were helpful on how to create an effective blog post:
- Darren Rowse writes on his blog, ProBlogger.net, that the headline/title should be catchy and draw the reader in. Facebook is infamous for advertising different types of blogs and articles with interesting titles. Such as, "Make $1,000 Doing Online Surverys! " or "10 Ways to Lose Weight a Without Exercising!"
- Cory Eridon wrote on HubSpot.com that it's important to write an attention-grabbing introduction. There are different styles of doing this. There's the empathetic route, where the reader immediately feels a connection with you; you can use humor and jokes, where the reader will think you're fun and want to continue reading; or you can start off with a shocking fact or stat so the reader will feel the need to read more.
- Lastly, MichaelHyatt.com says using photos and images will pull the readers in, and I agree! If you're blogging about and reviewing the new iPhone that just came out, you'd want to include pictures, wouldn't you?
I think this is well-written because it has a title that catches your attention. It also includes photos and a video to assist the article, which makes me want to continue reading. It definitely makes me feel different emotions while reading because what happened to this woman is just horrible and it sickens me that people would do this to someone! Now, Perez Hilton, in general, wouldn't be the most trustworthy source of information, but it's true that people eat up celebrity tabloids and gossip, which makes it a successful blog.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my first blog post! I look forward to seeing everyone else's!
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